Our Mission

While we watch politicians attack police officers and seek to demoralize them, it is clear that the brave men and women in blue are getting the shaft. Our society is struggling because the men and women who sit on the bench and took an oath to uphold the Constitution are far more dangerous and criminal in nature than those incarcerated by law enforcement.

For Too long, Judges have decided our fate. Now it’s our time to fix the paradigm, restore order to society and make it civil again. The only way to do it is to reform our judges.

We will not be able to resolve many of society’s ills until we hold these people accountable for every action they take in their professional and personal lives. Holding Judges to a higher standard is essential for a civil society. Otherwise, you have the inmates running the asylum.

If a judge doesn’t uphold the criminal guidelines or adhere to the Constitution, why should you be required to follow the law? Why should you have to show up to work if a judge doesn’t get punished for failing to do the same?

All too often, judges outright violate our rights, fail to faithfully adhere to their oath of office and over time, they lose their fidelity to the law. Public trust and civil order are eroded as a result.

The current paradigm rarely provides justice against these “Honorable” individuals when they violate the public trust because they are only judged by a cabal of their peers who refuse to allow the institution of the judiciary to be perceived as anything other than perfect.

The men and women who have jobs on the bench and wear black robes are simply politicians with law degrees who took a job with a title, but put their pants on one leg at a time. They are just as susceptible to mistakes as you.

However, when they make a mistake or fail to do their job properly, it costs the taxpayer, it costs a party in a case before them and oftentimes their actions cause irreparable harm. It also forces court dockets to get bloated and that causes a domino effect.

They are treated as though they are “above the law” and never receive real punishments, but that is about to change.

It is time to start holding these judges accountable to the people by implementing proper punishments for mistakes that cause appeals, term limits to limit their power like we seek for all politicians, and we must implement more appropriate financial and professional punishments than they are subjected to currently. It should also be based on guidelines, just like we have in other areas of the law.

Judges are the problem. They are no longer the solution society can count on to remedy a problem

If you agree, contact us and get involved. In the meantime, we’ll keep publishing the facts to support our mission.